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Saturday, April 5, 2014

Happy Unbirthday, To Us!

This week we learned all about the letter U.  I thought it would be fun to have an Unbirthday party like Alice in Wonderland did.   The kids were so excited to see a cookie cake  they all started asking each other who's Birthday it was.  When they found out it was an Unbirthday cake and we were going to have an Unbirthday party they were all excited!   Just because we were having a party, it didn't stop us from throwing in some learning.  My sweet kiddos are struggling with the teen number so I made   quick teen number Birthday themed write the room. 
 Since I have several different levels of learning in my class all of our work I differentiate.  This meets all my kiddos where they are, while still adding in some challenging work for those that are ready.
 I hung around the room the different pictures ranging from 11-16 and they filled out their recording sheet.  Some had sheets where they traced over the grey dotted numbers, some matched numbers to the picture, while others had boxes where they filled in the number themselves.  They all love doing write the room/count the room.  It keeps even my busiest kiddos focused.

 After we counted our room, it was time to celebrate!  Who doesn't love cookie cake and Birthday hats?!?

After we were done eating we finished up our letter U day by coloring and writing Under the table! You should have seen their faces when they found all the papers hanging under their desks!!  They thought this was the funniest thing ever!  If you haven't tried it yet, you must.  It is a huge hit!!

Happy Unbirthday to Us! 
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